Films With A Cause is committed to working with productions that seek to improve the representation of underrepresented and misrepresented communities behind and in front of the camera. Meaningful and authentic representation is possible when we open ourselves up to a journey of ongoing learning.
About Us
We offer consulting services that encourage ethical storytelling practices for a higher entertainment experience. We believe that the more specific the representation of a community can be, the more universal the story becomes. At Films With A Cause, we believe that to be the most effective specificity consultants must possess three key areas of knowledge. Our in-house expert consultants draw from lived experience, historical context and the necessary industry knowledge to deliver the best possible results for your production.

Operational since 2018
Impact Events
From Syria To Hope Premiere and panel discussion in collaboration with Amnesty International
Intersections of Film and Activism panel discussion and networking event with special guests Donisha Prendergast, Gillian Müller and Indygo Arscott
Muslim Representation in Film and TV Conference with BIPOC TV & Film and special guests Fawzia Mirza, Hamza Haq, Sami Khan, Zarqa Nawaz, Aqsa Altaf, Nijla Mu’min, Serena Rasoul and more
Private community screening and panel on critical representation issues with the TIFF Community Impact team at the TIFF Bell Lightbox